Under the supervision of the Standing Committee for Mutual Legal Assistance in the Kingdom, the Ministry of the Interior, represented by the General Department of Legal Affairs and International Cooperation, organized during the period from October 20 - 24, a workshop to enhance the framework for mutual legal assistance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The workshop aims That was held in cooperation with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) to enhance participants ’experiences in various legal and procedural areas related to mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, with the participation of a group of Saudi and International experts, and a number of specialists in the ministries (Interior, Foreign Affairs, and Justice), bodies (Experts from The Bureau of Experts at the Council of Ministers, Capital Market Authority, customs, anti-corruption, Communications and Information Technology), the Public Prosecution, and The Presidency of (State Security, and General Intelligence), the Board of Grievances, in addition to Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency.
During the workshop, the participants reviewed a variety of tools that were developed with the aim of strengthening international cooperation in criminal matters and asset recovery, and stressed their importance in helping practitioners to build capacities and skills in addressing international cooperation issues in criminal matters, and some experiences and expertise were reviewed for the committee's handling of some issues related to the field of requests for implementation of legal assistance and judicial delegations in accordance with its work mechanism.
The workshop is considered the second that was held in this regard after the first training workshop that was held in 2014, and a group of Saudi and international experts participated in it.